2017 starts today

My 2017 starts today. Been slacking away since 2016 😉 Let me share a joke:
Nils woke up with a sore throat today and when he said:
“It feels like I have a ton of snot in my throat”
I answered
“Mmmm, I love that feeling of eating locally produced.” Probably my best joke so far in 2017.

Anyway. New Year’s was just as nice as I hoped it would be. Spent the evening at Felicia’s and Jockes and as usual they served amazing food and drinks and a great time in general. Sunday was spent in the sofa, on the floor, in bed, in front of anything close to watchable.

Some snapchat shenanigan’s of late:

Sonja couldn’t make it to New Year. She was stuck in 2016 so we made a video to reminisce her.


Some pics from New Year which include: a very cute friend, a crazy lovely Brit, the best hosts on earth and then my love. How infinitely happy I am to have him by my side.

Yesterday Nils and I went to Skogskyrkogården because I was in need of a small adventure. It was cold and ghastly but beautiful.


Oh and I’ve been witnessing some beautiful evening-skies from the roof-top.

What more? Any New Year’s resolutions? Not really, except from one thing that I’m going to let impregnate this year: Not give a shit. Which in my head means: be brave, seek opportunities and follow them through, contact people I’m curious about and not overthink my ideas.


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